Stick To Your Guns return with new single

Stick to Your Guns is back - after almost 2 years of radio silence with a song that could hardly be more relevant for the scene!

The core of 'More of Us Than Them' was written in 2015 by the late Tom Searle, guitarist of Architects, who passed a short time later. Tom sent his song idea to STYG frontman Jesse Barnett: "The email contained a breakdown that he had written and felt was ‘too STYG to be used for Architects,’" Jesse recounts today. "It was massive. We tried for years to turn it into a song to no avail. After Tom’s passing and the effect it had on everyone, Chris decided he was going to give it another shot. He then wrote the music for what became our song ‘More Of Us Than Them.’"

With 'More of Us Than Them,' Stick To Your Guns return to their band's roots of openly criticizing the system and present a song reminiscent of the most combative times in the band's history around the release of 'Disobedient.'

Jesse continues, "This song is about understanding that the people who run our day to day lives don’t have our interests at heart. They don’t have the planets interest at heart. All they care about is ever growing profit and power. These people are addicts and they’re addicted to the worst thing possible: Greed. In this system, money is the only thing that buys freedom. But what does this simple statement also imply? What is being said with out actually being said? It’s saying that if you don’t have money, you don’t have freedom. This is an important distinction to make. None of us asked to be born. We didn’t decide to be on this earth. This is an important distinction to make. None of us asked to be born. We didn’t decide to be on this earth. The fact that we have pay walls in front of things that are necessary for survival is fucking criminal and I vow to wake up everyday with the intention of tearing that system down and although Tom is no longer with us, I think he’d be proud of what we all made together."

'More of Us Than Them' was released in Europe on End Hits Records (and via Pure Noise Records in the rest of the world). With their last album 'True View'. the quartet from Orange County / California catapulted themselves into the hearts of the metal/hardcore scene, were regulars on the covers of many core magazines and won the support of their fans with a multitude of system-critical and at the same time highly personal lyrics.

"More Of Us Than Them" is out now streaming everywhere.

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